Private Company Program
- Target appropriate investment banks; orchestrate sell-side analyst and investment banker introductions Develop financial presentations in advance of investment banking conferences,
- meetings with VCs and Angel investors
- Develop financial press and investor communications strategy, including establishment of key financial messages and milestones that are financially- vs. customer-oriented
- Monitor peers, provide public company peer valuation analysis and sell-side research coverage of publicly traded peers
- Establish communications policies and procedures similar to those for public companies while taking into consideration potential competitive landscape issues
- Develop financially oriented presentations and provide presentation training
Pre-IPO Program
- Strategic counsel to CEO, CFO, PR and marketing teams
- Develop financial press and investor communications strategy reflecting key financial messages and milestones that are financially- vs. customer-oriente
- Monitor peers, provide public company peer valuation analysis
- Assist legal team in drafting MD&A for S-1 (or like) filing, as requested
- Create policies and procedures for public communications (insider trading policies, window open/close policies, and employee training programs)
- Develop mechanisms for communicating with retail investors (hotline, website, investor kits, and collateral material distribution)
- Develop methods for communicating with institutional investors
- Create sell-side and buy-side outreach program
- Draft first year IR plan (annual report, quarterly reporting, conferences calls, presentations, analyst days)
- Provide presentation training
- Financial press story angle development
- Provide IR training sessions for employees and/or internal IR team
Post-IPO & Public Company Program
- Create public company infrastructure and provide ongoing IR support
- Develop and implement Reg. FD policy and standards
- Field investor calls
- Periodically update messaging and key milestones
- Monitor peers, provide public company peer valuation analysis
- Write and edit support documents (annual report, press releases, scripts, conference call Q&A, and Q&As for newsworthy issues and special events, such as acquisitions or investor days)
- Provide assistance with analyst outreach, seeking out conferences and targeting appropriate invitations
- Develop and manage special events including financial road shows, analyst days and banking conferences
- Work with PR firm to ensure message continuity and cohesiveness of IR and PR teams
- Draft transactional communications materials and collateral material for acquisitions, mergers, LBOs, etc.
- U.S. and International financial road show scheduling services
Financial Analyst Relations Program
- Develop/refine strategic messages
- Investor and analyst targeting services
- Financial analyst program development and scheduling
- Presentation training
- 360 degree feedback and analysis; message adjustment
Crisis Communications Expertise
Preparing for a crisis can preserve valuation, prevent irreperable damage to the corporate brand and avoid exacerbating the situation. Being a good corporate steward requires methodical, precision implementation and planning. We can offer the following services that are invaluable:
- Strategic counsel to CEO, CFO, PR and marketing
- Development of crisis plans and/or management of crisis situations in progress
- Plan development includes creation of mock scenarios related to financial events
- Sync up PR and IR efforts to prevent escalation and ensure message continuity
ESG Capabilities
- Formulating and executing ESG communications plans and campaigns to raise the sustainability profile for both investors and issuers
- Includes internal communications, external communications, digital and social media strategies, thought leadership programs
- Consulting on sustainability reports, including both strategy and editing reports
- Assisting with developing sustainability language for both the proxy and the annual report
Investor and Financial Relations Writing Services
Our talented business writers can efficiently and skillfully prepare you for a presentation, road show, or quarterly conference call. These services are available on an as-needed, or piecework, basis. Examples of services we can provide include:
- Annual reports
- 10-K (MD&A section)
- Executive speeches
- Financial press releases
- Press kit materials
- Company profiles, fact sheets and management bios
- Transactional communications materials
- Collateral material
- Website content (financial)